Rafael Camargo

Bordiple is a CSS multiple borders generator

At the moment I finished to write my last post about elements with multiple borders using pure CSS, I kept wondering how productive it would be if there were an online tool that aid programmers and designers to create and visualize multiple borders elements. Since I haven't found any, I decided to create Bordiple.

Animation demonstrating how the features Preferences and Sharing work
Preview and share your creations with ease

Likewise online tools used to generate CSS gradients, the idea behind Bordiple is to make the development of multiple border elements easier through a friendly interface that allows any person to create, visualize and copy the CSS code related to the generated borders. It's also possible to customize the preview area, making the necessary adjustments under the tab Preferences. At last, any creation can be seamlessly shared using the sharing link available under the tab Share.

Examples of multiple borders generated by Bordiple. Borders featuring a 70s color palette at left, and, at right, borders styled with popular colors in the 80s.
70s Groove vs 80s Disco

Bordiple is free, open-source, and, if you liked it, consider to support the project staring it on Github. The more are the stars, the greater is the visibility gained by the project. The greater is the visibility, the more are the people that will have the opportunity to know it and enjoy its benefits. Thank you!

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