
logo rd

RD Station

Apr.2020 - PresentRemote
Florianópolis, Brazil

The Company

RD Station, previously Resultados Digitais, was founded in Brazil in 2011 to help medium and small companies understand and leverage the benefits of Digital Marketing. RD Station Marketing and RD Station CRM allow them to achieve real and long-lasting results for their businesses.

My Role

Helping to maintain and improve the RD Station CRM product.

logo bcredi


Nov.2019 - Feb.2020
Curitiba, Brazil

The Company

Bcredi is one of the most popular Fintechs in Brazil, It offers home equity loans with the best market rates. The amount of money borrowed during its short life surpasses US$ 100 Million, helping thousands of companies and people.

My Role

In a brief passage by Bcredi, I helped to maintain and improve internal products through technologies like React, Redux, Jest and a couple of others more.

logo conta-azul

Conta Azul

Mar.2017 - Sep.2019
Joinville, Brazil

The Company

Created in 2012, Conta Azul is a SaaS that aims to help small companies to run their business in Brazil. Conta Azul allows business owners to issue invoices, control their finances, manage customers, receive payments, and get great reports about their business. Conta Azul is used in all regions of Brazil and serves dozens of thousands of customers.

My Role

Among a lot of features developed in almost 5 years at Conta Azul, I contributed to a few projects that I am very proud of. In 2017, I had the opportunity to collaborate with an internal product as the only front-end in the team. I was 100% responsible for designing all the web app views too and, even more important, put into practice the first fully component-based UI project made in the company.

A little more than one year after starting that project, I began to disseminate the component-based architecture inside the company, at guilds and front-end discussions, and outside the company, writing an article entitled Components beyond reuse published in Portuguese on Tableless and in English on Hackernoon.

By the end of 2018, the company finally started to replace the Model-View-Controller approach for a Component-Based approach, in its main product. That was the moment in which components became first-class citizens in every tech discussion. A dedicated team was created to handle our internal component library, putting together the most experienced front-end developers and UX designers.

Focusing on high-quality - clean code and automated tests - and productivity, our components have saved hours of programming time and has contributed to increasing the consistency of user experience along with the application.

Beyond delivering some great results to the product and to the company, I have created our own documentation tool. We struggled to have one documentation only, containing our legacy and current components (AngularJS/Vue). Pitsby solved our problem once and for all. It’s open-source and has even helped to improve the experience of developing new components as well as increasing the component library adoption by product teams.

logo jobscore


Aug.2015 - Oct.2016Remote
San Francisco, USA

The Company

JobScore is an applicant tracking system that gives in-house recruiters what they need to get the job done. Hosted careers page, one-click job posting, referral campaigns, resume parsing scoring and reports.

My Role

In a brief period at JobScore, I had the opportunity to collaborate on its website redesign, and its later improvements. Also, I introduced the AMD concept to the JavaScript code, making it modular, reusable and fully testable. JobScore was also the place where I first touched Ruby on Rails.

logo conta-azul

Conta Azul

Jul.2013 - Aug.2015
Joinville, Brazil

My Role

That was the moment I started my career as a programmer. Some of the activities I did include the "translation" of CSS stylesheets to LESS stylesheets intending to apply themes to the product through a set of variables besides daily contributions to the implementation of new features.

I was responsible for creating the first company's style guide intending to reduce the amount of CSS code written. In 2014, I helped to build the very first reusable components (at that time, AngularJS forced us to call them directives) written with AngularJS and fully covering them with unit tests.

During all that period I touched several front-end technologies, including RequireJS (a library that implements the AMD pattern), Grunt, AngularJS, Karma, and Jasmine.

Graphic Design

Mar.2006 - Jul.2013

From 2006 to 2013 I worked for few advertising agencies. Some of the works that I did can still be seen on my Behance profile. I have been doing graphic design for a few hobby projects too. The latest work can be seen on my Dribbble profile.